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Following other people is so 2010s

The act of following someone on social media today is as mindless as driving to work. We do it without even realizing. On Instagram, we click “follow” for someone we know, or someone we wish to know better or see more of. Suddenly, we find ourselves engrossed in hundreds or even thousands of peoples lives each day. We become “influenced” by them. We may buy products with their discount code in support of their businesses.

I’ve tried to research when the first instance of “following” began on social media. Was it as early as Friendster or MySpace, or as late as Twitter? For the first time in probably ever, Google did not come through. All I could find was information on how to get more followers on social media *face palm*. While I cannot find anything on this, it honestly doesn’t even matter. Following people is so 2010s! So early 2000s! As 2020 creeps up on us, we need to leave that following nonsense in the 2010s.

We need to be following ourselves instead of following other people.

Source: Melina Renee
Location: Kotor, Montenegro

Yeah, I said it. As we enter into this new decade, let’s focus our energy inward. Why? Because frankly, we’ve allowed other people’s happenings to destroy our happiness. Because we’ve spent WAY too much time keeping up with the Kardashians rather than our own affairs. We’ve spent too much energy comparing the seemingly glamorous lives of our peers to our lives, using them as a benchmark that does not even exist outside of a photo or video. It’s time to be selfish and really get to know ourselves without the noise of who we follow clouding our judgement. Let’s subscribe to ourselves and the channels of our minds instead of our favorite YouTubers.

You may be thinking: Melina, WTF? I don’t want to quit Instagram or social media in 2020 and I don’t want to shun the people I admire! And to that I say: you don’t have to. This is more about turning down the volume on outside noise and turning up the volume on inside harmony. To live our days with more consciousness and intention. I’m definitely not 100% perfect at this (in my opinion, it’s a lifelong process), but I’ve figured out some ways to reduce the noise.

Here are some ways you can start following yourself in 2020:

The bottom line: Follow YOU. Subscribe to YOU. Do YOU. Own YOU.

Have a very happy and healthy New Year!
Melina Renee

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