Site icon Melina Renee

Melina, who?!

A bit about me

Hi! My name is Melina (Mel works, too) and I would like to personally welcome you to my little slice of the inter-webs. I’m really just trying to live my best life and to lead by example. I’m navigating the wonderful world of “adulting” and I am learning new things every single day that I am dying to share in the hopes of helping others gain clarity in this convoluted world.

One of my goals in life is to inspire people to get to know themselves and get the most out of their time here on Earth. I want to show people through my experiences (and hiccups) that despite the b.s., life is beautiful and it should not be taken so serious. After all, life is meant to be lived outside the box.

There are far too many people chugging along in life and being paralyzed by fear. The “Book of Rules on How to do Everything” that people LOVE to reference was simply never written. Only you can get out there and be the boss of you. That’s why I created my blog: to show you that most things in life are much less scary when you just get out there and do them.

What to expect here

My blog consists of my musings on growth, work, and play. My posts are crafted from the never-ending inspiration I gain from life each day. All opinions are my own and the stories I tell are based on my lived experiences. I’ll offer you advice on different topics based on what has worked for me, but never mistake me for your doctor, therapist, lawyer, financial advisor, personal trainer, career counselor, et cetera.

My writing style is blunt and akin to a real-life conversation with me. I ain’t Shakespeare, okay?! Oh, and I often use hyperbole and sarcasm because being dramatic is fun and freeing. I also find it fun to point out things people think but are too afraid to say out loud. And laughing at myself is never off the table.

So, I hope you’ve got a sense of humor and maybe just a little bit of common sense. And I do hope you enjoy. If any of this stuff resonates, feel free to leave me a comment. And if you know someone who you feel would benefit from my work, please feel free to share!

Melina Renee

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